Good morning,

Bird activity in the Park has declined somewhat from the influx
experienced yesterday. Few birds appeared to have moved in on the east
winds. Nevertheless, the tip area was relatively active. Like many
mornings each spring, a slight reverse migration was evident. If one
followed the birds out over the tip, most were observed wheeling around
back north again. They would then land in the tops of the trees near the
very end. If you were quick, one could be rewarded with good looks at
against the bright blue sky were SCARLET TANAGER S and a number of

Other birds reported near the tip this morning included:

White-eyed Vireo - (1) 
Yellow-breasted Chat - (1) - out in the open along the grassy strip!
Blue-winged Warbler - (1)
Hooded Warbler - (1 female)

Elsewhere in the Park, the following birds have been reported:

Olive-sided Flycatcher - (1) - Sparrow Field
Peregrine Falcon - (1) - flying over Woodland Nature Trail (W.N.T.)
Eastern Screech-Owl - (1) - same tree in W.N.T. (it has been present
about a week)
Acadian Flycatcher - (1) - Tilden's Woods

Also reported after our update yesterday (May 16) were:

Henslow's Sparrow - (1) - Sparrow Field (1st report this spring)
Kentucky Warbler - (1 female) - White Pine
Golden-winged Warbler - (1 female) - W.N.T.
Grasshopper Sparrow - (1) - Black Willow
Merlin - (1) - flying north over DeLaurier
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - (1) - Group Campground
Northern Mockingbird - (up to 3) - Solar Panel display, seasonal trail
along west beach & Chinquapin Oak Trail
Dark-eyed Junco - (1) - DeLaurier (late)
Wilson's Phalarope - (1) - Hillman Marsh C.A. shorebird impoundment
Willet - (1) - Hillman Marsh shorebird impoundment
Pacific Loon - (1 breeding plumaged) - west side of Tip (unconfirmed
report written in late in the day

One of our local birders, Fred Urie, estimated numbers of many bird
species yesterday between White Pine and the Tip. Here are a few of the
larger estimates:

Least Flycatcher - (417) - Wow what a total, and only for southern half
of the Park!
Magnolia Warbler - (72)
Lincoln's Sparrow - (34)

Good Birding,

John Haselmayer, Karl Konze, Dave Martin, Pete Read, Alan Wormington
Staff, Friends of Point Pelee


Point Pelee National Park and the Friends of Point Pelee are pleased to
present the 2003 Festival of Birds from April 26 to May 26. This years
events include daily hikes, County Hot Spot Tours, "Birders Breakfast"
and much. For more information, please visit or Birders may also be
interested in the free shorebird hikes offered by Essex Region
Conservation Authority (ERCA) at the new shorebird impoundment. 

- To contact the Friends of Point Pelee please call 519-326-6173, fax
519-326-7925 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- For general park information, please call 519-322-2365.
- To contact ERCA, please call 519-776-5209.

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