July 8 at Rock Point Providential Park there were 12 Short-billed Dowitchers, 
43 Least Sandpipers, 38 Lesser Yellowlegs, 9 Spotted Sandpipers, 5 Killdeer, 
Carolina Wren, and 220 Double-crested Cormorants. Moving toward Fort Erie 
there were lesser numbers of the same species with the exception of 
Dowitcher. Of note were 7 Mute Swan seen from the end of Roseville Road and a 
Redheaded Woodpecker at the end of Kraft Road both in Fort Erie. 

Inland on Rout 3  .1 miles east of Troup Road an Upland Sandpiper was briefly 
seen on top of a fence post.

Rock Point P. P. is on the North Shore of Lake Erie 20 miles west of Fort 
Erie or 25 miles west of the source of the Niagara River.

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