Hello Everyone,

Earl Armstrong Rd, south of the airport here is still a good place to find
Short-eared Owls at dusk.  2 days ago I observed 6 of them chasing 2
Northern Harriers and hunting.  The first one was sitting on a fence post
around 4pm in daylight, shortly followed by the others nearby.  At one point
I had all of them in my binocular vision at the same time!

Earl Armstrong Rd runs east-west, off Limebank Rd (off River Rd) and High Rd
(off Albion Rd).  River Rd is just south of Hunt Club Rd, accessed by Hwy
416 to the west.

Cheers, Eve

-Eve Ticknor
Coordinator, OFNC Peregrine Falcon Watch
38-9 Gillespie Cres.
Ottawa, Ontario, K1V 9T5
(613) 737-7551

"Without birds, would we humans ever have had the imagination to fly or

eve ticknor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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