
This morning (Dec 9/03) I discovered an immature male Harlequin Duck on Lake 
Erie, east of the town of Selkirk. It was in the large bay between Hoover Point 
and Featherstone Point (east of Haldimand Road 12 also known as Fisherville 
Rd.)  It was located in front of the farm with the Royal Lepage real estate 
sign (Linda Purves). It was swimming around the most westerly rocky island in 
the bay with a goldeneye and Buffleheads.

There was a hunter set up in a blind nearby, but he moved away and the 
Harlequin was still in the area despite the hunter firing his gun off a couple 
of times while I was there.

Good luck,

Denys Gardiner, 

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"Denys Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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