Please Excuse my spelling ,I am Dyslexic
thank you for your understanding.

I found the N.Gannet in the same area around the Control dam  today at 11:00
am and it was still there after 2:00 pm , but at one point it flue out and
up the river above the Control dam but in the afternoon it was right up
beside the wall Drifting  down then flying back. this bird is smaller than
other N.Gannet's I have seen and hard to find in the large flocks of gulls .

also seen at Adam Beck wear California , Thayer's, Iceland & the Bonaparte's
with the full black head was back at the Whirlpool, down stream at the
Queenston Boat Ramp there was at lest 1 Little gull and a another 2 wear
reported to me but No Black Head Gull was found , also the Adult Bald Eagle
was in this area .


Craig & Bev McLauchlan

"Craig S A McLauchlan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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