Comments on Gray Flycatcher:

Lou and all:

The identification of this bird as Gray Flycather was exceptionally
straightforward, as not only were all expected fieldmarks well seen, but
the bird could regularly be viewed at distances closer than 20 feet.

In addition to the bird doing its typical "phoebe-like" downward pumping
of the tail, I heard the bird once (twice?) give a "double note" call
that I would describe as "tsee-up"

There is absolutely no doubt that the bird is a Gray Flycatcher.  There's
the old adage . . . photos are good, but seeing the bird in life is a
whole lot better.

On the long drive home today I contemplated if any other CBC observation
was as outlandish as this bird found by the Skevingtons.  The only one I
could think of was Phainopepla, but I couldn't decide which of these two
CBC birds is more remarkable.

Alan Wormington,

P.S.  I can't find the photo Lou Marsh refers to -- can anyone direct me
to it?

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