* Ontario
* Ottawa/Gatineau
* 04 September 2004
* ONOT0409.04

- Birds mentioned

Red-necked Grebe
Green-backed Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Bald Eagle
Cooper's Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk
Peregrine Falcon
White-rumped Sandpiper
Stilt Sandpiper
Red-necked Phalarope
Common Tern

- Transcript

hotline: Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club
date: 04 September 2004
number: 613-860-9000 press 2
to report: 613-860-9000 press #
coverage: Ottawa/Gatineau (Can. Nat. Capital Reg.), E.Ont., W.Que.
compilers  : Chris Lewis
           : Terry Higgins
           : Colin Bowen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
transcriber: Michelle Martin  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
internet   : Gordon Pringle  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


This is Chris Lewis reporting.

The current birding highlight in Ottawa is an unprecedented number
of GREAT EGRETS, now totalling 6 birds on the west side of the
Shirley's Bay causeway since Sept. 3rd.  Shorebird numbers here
however have declined dramatically; 11 species were still present
on the 4th including 3 juvenile Stilt Sandpipers and 1 adult
White-rumped Sandpiper. A Red-necked Grebe was on the Ottawa River
east of Shirley's Bay on the 4th as well. On the river at
Britannia east of the water purification plant on the 1st there
were 4 Red-necked Phalaropes below the rapids.  Back on August
30th, a Whimbrel was seen at Parc Brebeuf in Hull, Quebec.

An adult Bald Eagle was at Shirley's Bay on the morning of the 4th
and a very early Rough-legged Hawk was seen along Leitrim Rd.
south of the international airport on Aug. 31st.

On September 2nd, 3 SANDHILL CRANES - 2 adults and one juvenile -
were seen in the Carlsbad Springs area. Other reports from this
past week included 2 immature Black-crowned Night-Herons and a
Green Heron at Shirley's Bay, as well as several raptors hunting
here including an immature Cooper's Hawk, 3 Merlins & an immature
Peregrine Falcon.  17 Common Terns were seen between the islands
along the Shirley's Bay causeway on the 4th.

Songbird-watching remains very slow, with very few reports of

The Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club annual "Seedathon" is being
conducted tomorrow Sept. 5, to raise funds for the Club's bird
feeders.  Pledges for this event can still be made by calling this
reporter at (613)722-5929 or the Club number at (613) 722-3050.

Thank you - Good Birding!

- End transcript

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