* Ontario
* Ottawa/Gatineau
* 18 October 2004
* ONOT0410.18

- Birds mentioned

Great Egret
Greater White-fronted Goose
Snow Goose
Long-tailed Duck
White-winged Scoter
Bald Eagle
Peregrine Falcon
Sandhill Crane
Black-bellied Plover
Greater Yellowlegs
Least Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Wilson's Snipe
Bonaparte's Gull
Horned Lark
Carolina Wren
Gray Catbird
Water Pipit
Red-eyed Vireo
Palm Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
American Tree Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
Purple Finch
Pine Siskin
Evening Grosbeak

- Transcript

hotline: Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club
date: 18 October 2004
number: 613-860-9000
for the status line : press 2
for rare bird alerts: press 1
to report a sighting: press #
coverage: Ottawa/Gatineau (Can. Nat. Capital Reg.), E.Ont., W.Que.
compiler   : Chris Lewis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
transcriber: Chris Lewis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
internet   : Gordon Pringle  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


This is Chris Lewis reporting.

In spite of the chilly temperatures, strong southwest winds and
intermittent rain all weekend, the OFNC 's 10th annual Fall Bird
Count was very successful. A preliminary total of 136 species was
recorded, the 2nd highest since 1995.  14 record high numbers were
noted, as well as 10 new species for the count. Final results
should be on the OFNC web site soon.

Some highlights from the count, and from other reports over the
past week, include the following:  At least one extremely late
Great Egret remains at Shirley's Bay.

At least 3 individual Greater White-fronted Geese were reported -
one from Smith Rd. off Milton Rd. near Carlsbad Springs on the
16th, another from the Ottawa River at Shirley's Bay the same day,
and another at the large pond on the east side of Moodie Drive on
the 18th. Approximately 100 Snow Geese were at the Moodie Drive
pond from the 16th to the 18th, and smaller numbers of Snow Geese
were found in various locations during the past week. A EURASIAN
WIGEON was in the NE sector during the Fall Count.  The 1st
reports of the season of Long-tailed Ducks and White-winged
Scoters came from the Ottawa River on the weekend.

In raptor reports, a juvenile Bald Eagle was still at Ottawa Beach
on the 15 and 16th.  A record total of 10 Merlins were counted
among all 4 sectors on the count.  Both a Merlin and a Peregrine
Falcon were hunting at the Moodie Dr. pond on the 16th, and 2 late
Ospreys were also found in the SW sector.

Ten Sandhill Cranes were 1st reported on the morning of the 16th
on Milton Rd., and 9 were seen again here on the 17th.

Thirteen species of shorebirds were found on the Fall Bird Count -
the highest total ever for this event. In addition to the record
high numbers of Black-bellied Plovers, Greater Yellowlegs, White-
rumped Sandpipers, Pectoral Sandpipers and Wilson's Snipes, a late
Least Sandpiper and 2 HUDSONIAN GODWITS were 1st records for the

A total of 45 Bonaparte's Gulls were at the Winchester sewage
lagoons on the 16th and 17th.

An extremely late adult RED-HEADED WOODPECKER was still in
Constance Bay on the weekend, and may possibly over-winter here.

Passerine highlights from the count included a Carolina Wren at
the intersection of Allbirch and Shady Lane in Constance Bay, as
well as a few late lingerers in various locations such as Gray
Catbird, Red-eyed Vireo, Palm Warbler and Common Yellowthroat.
Good numbers of Horned Larks and American Pipits were noted.
Sparrow numbers were on the low side but several American Tree
Sparrows and Fox Sparrows were reported, as well as record numbers
of Savannah Sparrows.  A late Vesper Sparrow was found in the NE
sector, and a very late Grasshopper Sparrow was found in the SE
near the Giroux gravel pit north of Navan on the 17th.

And finally, the "winter finches" have not started to appear in
any significant numbers. Only 5 Purple Finches, 1 Pine Siskin, and
12 Evening Grosbeaks were noted over the weekend.

Thank you to everyone who helped make the Fall Bird Count and the
post-count dinner and compilation a great success again this year.

Thank you - Good Birding!

- End transcript

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