Weather factors were not conducive to much of a hawk flight on Sat.,
Oct.23, --although we did total 15 Red-taileds, a Merlin , 2 Peregrines and
1 Rough-legged among 24 migrants.

At 1005 EST 3 low-flying Sandhill Cranes came from the southeast corner of
the marshlands and flew rapidly just to the north of our platform, westward.
Out on the roadside wire as many as 20 E.Bluebirds (mostly male) were noted
at 1000 EST.

Near our platform we had a Yellow-rumped Warbler, 2 E.Towhees, 4 Fox
Sparrows, 2 Great Egrets and a Kingfisher.

Exit the 401 at Salem, south to Bayly, east through LakeRidge to the first
street (Hall's Rd.), south to the second roadside parking area.

Doug Lockrey, coordinator CMRW

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