Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch
Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 22, 2004

Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Black Vulture                0              0              0
Turkey Vulture             118           7389           8076
Osprey                       1             16            131
Bald Eagle                   3             41            179
Northern Harrier             4             95            437
Sharp-shinned Hawk          86           1773           5482
Cooper's Hawk               13            145            281
Northern Goshawk             1             14             15
Red-shouldered Hawk          7            162            172
Broad-winged Hawk            0              5          14899
Red-tailed Hawk            195           1098           1557
Rough-legged Hawk            6             16             16
Golden Eagle                 0              3              4
American Kestrel             2            242           2659
Merlin                       2             29             64
Peregrine Falcon             0             40             57
Unknown                      0              6             19

Total:                     438          11074          34048

Observation start time: 07:00:00 
Observation end   time: 14:00:00 
Total observation time: 7 hours

Official Counter: Su Ross-Redmond


Again Jann and Gil Randall from the New York Ripley Hawkwatch.  Thanks to
the two of them for helping out Su today. :)

Well...it just goes to show you that sometimes the birds decide to move
whether the weather and winds aren't the best. Perhaps it's all the dismal
type weather that's been hanging over Southern Ontario the whole week.
Today's E winds typically don't bring a very good flight...especially
combined with a TUV=2(Poor). Temps were cool and lots of cloud cover. 

Once again had Jann & Gil's help, which I was very grateful for, because at
times the birds were coming at us left, right and center!!!  Lucky for us
today we did get 3 immature Bald Eagles. The first passed through, then a
few minutes later Gil looked back and saw the imm. with an adult.  The
immature was crying and then the adult dropped something from it's talons,
and the young one attempted to catch it - but missed!!!  Very cool to
watch!  Again today we had some nice Rough-legs, one dark morph, and some
very nice looks at the Red-shoulders.  But probably the highlight today
was a Dark morph Red-tail...what an extremely different bird to see.  No
Goldens - but for East winds, not a bad day at all!!

Se winds predicted...so I wouldn't expect a lrage flight...but the birds
proved today that if they can get a brighter day with no rain...they just
might move anyways. I'd say that the first really good sunny day we get
with a higher TUV should see a pretty big push of birds...keep an eye out
for Tuesday and Wednesday coming up this week.
Report submitted by Dave Brown ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch information may be found at:

Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch:
Oldest Hawkwatch in Ontario - since 1931 - located just east of Port
Stanley on the cliff overlooking Lake Erie 

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