In spite of a hazy day 15 diligent observers arrived on the Cranberry Marsh
Raptor Watch platform, remaining to "wish the haze away". Well now, many of
them left just before the fog lifted for 50 minutes-- in that time we had
several excellent "ghost-raptors in the sky" appearing from nowhere.--- 1
Goshawk among 7 Accipiters, 7 Red-taileds, 10 Rough-leggeds highlighted the
27 migrants noted.
Good passerines included a male Purple Finch, our first Am.Tree Sparrow (2),
several of each of Song Sp., White-throated Sp., and Junco, 2 White-crowned
Sp., 3 Fox Sparrows (1 having several silvery feathers in its crown), a
House Finch, both Kinglets, AND along the north pathway were several
Yellow-rumped Warblers, Brown Creepers and Winter Wrens.

There are still 2 Great Egrets.

Exit 401 at Salem--south to Bayly, east through LakeRidge, south at the
first street (Hall's Rd.) to the second roadside parking area.

Doug Lockrey, coordinator CMRW

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