Good Evening,

The weather here in Eagle has been very wet and I commend all those faithful birders who stood out in this nasty weather. Sorry to say that the Pyrrhuloxia has not been seen since yesterday morning. With better weather predicted for tomorrow we are hoping that she will be back to the feeder.

If you are here also look for her at the very west corner of the field, as she will stay in the sumacs and feed on the ground picking at the corn.

Today bluebirds and 3 robins were sighted. The immature bald eagle usually comes in to the back field early in the morning and we have seen tundra swans just about everyday. So there are a few good birds to watch for while waiting for the Pyrrhuloxia.

Good Birding,


Eagle is 6 Km.  south of West Lorne.  Take 401 to the West Lorne exit and
head south on Graham.  Go straight through West Lorne and proceed south till
you come to Talbot Line.  Proceed south approx. 1/2 Km.  and it is the first
(yellow brick) house on the right hand side.  The field is south of the

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