Excuse my spelling and Grammar, I am Dyslexic thank you. 
I do not know if it was with today being Friday 13, or was it the lucky
loony (Olympic 1$ piece)I received in my change from Tim Horton's, but
what a great day to book off work and run to Point Pelee. 

First stop was for the Kirtland's Warbler. (extreme north end of P.P's
Northwest Beach) Seen from my car as I parked, it was also on my foot
and running between my legs.... quite the way to see a life bird !!  30
years ago I heard about this bird at a naturalist's meeting and have
been trying to see one ever since, and today was the day!

Then down to get great looks at the Tilden's Woods Worm-eating Warbler. 

I was then planning to spend the rest of the day working my way back
along the lake looking for the NEOTROPIC CORMORANT but the waves on the
lake were so big that I thought this might be the day that the bird
looks for calmer water. I was right; at 12:20pm I pulled up to the west
side of Wheatly Harbour and after a thorough scan of the peers, I got
out and looked into were the river meets the lake and 2 cormorants took
flight.  One was the NEOTROPIC CORMORANT.  I watched as they both flue
west towards Hilmans marsh . WOW .

Now with lots of time on my hands I went to  Rondeau were I had
wonderful looks at 2 male Prothonotary warblers on the Tulip Tree Trail.

What a wonderful day !


Craig & Bev McLauchlan 
Toronto, Ont, Canada the World   

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