A few quick highlights from a hectic couple of days. LECONTE'S SPARROW, 
KIRTLAND'S WARBLER from Lighthouse Pt. Yesterday. Three HOODED WARBLERS, 
CHAT was banded this morning at Fish Point.

The GREAT TIT was last seen yesterday morning.

The Bird Race was won by Ben Porchuk and Peter Burke's team obtaining 132 
species, all acquired on bicycle. 

Paul Carter
Ron Tiessen
Pelee Island Heritage Centre
West Dock, Pelee Island, Ontario, N0R 1M0
(519) 724-2291 "pimuseum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


There will be daily bird hikes on Pelee Island until May 20. Cost is
$5.00 which includes admission to Heritage Centre. Meet in front of the Centre 
at the foot of
West Dock every day at 7:30 a.m. Check into the Centre for details on best 
birding areas and
current rarities.

The Heritage Centre is open from 10 am - 5 pm daily. The foyer contains a 
'sightings board' listing May bird sightings (open 24 hours). Lighthouse Point 
is on the NE corner of the island, Sheridan Point on the NW
corner, Mill Point on the SE corner, and Fish Point on the SW corner, due south 
of the West Dock.

Pelee Island can be reached by ferry leaving Leamington several times daily. 
For times and reservations, call 1-800-661-2220.

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