I had a very slow morning birding Wilson’s Tract at Long Point today. Of the
4 birds that I saw, one was a Yellow-billed Cuckoo and another a Northern
Goshawk. Both were seen from the road just as you approach the 1st entrance
on the N side.


I then went to Old Cut and the warblers were dripping off the trees. It was
the best warbler fallout I’ve seen in years. Most of the birds were so close
that I couldn’t photograph them with a long lens. If the weather patterns
are similar with high wind, it could be very good again.


Wilson’s Tract is on the 4th Concession Road and can be reached off Hwy 23
in the Long Point area. If you need more explicit directions, please contact


Long Point can be reached by going south on Hwy 59 off the 401.


Good Birding

Jacques Giraud

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