Holiday Beach
Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Sep 17, 2006

Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Turkey Vulture               0             29             29
Osprey                       4             44             44
Bald Eagle                   0             29             29
Northern Harrier             8            242            242
Sharp-shinned Hawk         301           2022           2022
Cooper's Hawk                7             73             73
Northern Goshawk             0              0              0
Red-shouldered Hawk          0              0              0
Broad-winged Hawk            3           2407           2407
Red-tailed Hawk              1             90             90
Rough-legged Hawk            0              0              0
Golden Eagle                 0              0              0
American Kestrel            70            946            946
Merlin                       3             27             27
Peregrine Falcon             1             14             14
Swainson's Hawk              0              1              1

Total:                     398           5924           5924

Observation start time: 06:00:00 
Observation end   time: 15:00:00 
Total observation time: 9 hours

Official Counter: Bob Hall-Brooks

Observers:        Dan Lumm

Many people attended today's Festival of the Hawks and were treated to Paul
Pratt's Dragonfly Walk and Rachel Pascoe's Monarch Butterfly programs in
addition to Raptor Banding demonstrations and the Tower Program.

Sunny, but hazy. Southerly winds 1-5 mph.

Raptor Observations:
Over 400 raptors, but not Broad-winged Hawks yet. Over 300 Sharp-shinned
Hawks made up the greatest number, but the lone Peregrine Falcon provided
the greatest entertainment for all our visitors.

Non-raptor Observations:
Cedar Waxwings and American Goldfinches provided volume, but large numbers
of Yellow-rumped Warblers dropped in around the Tower.

Rain predicted for Monday but should North winds appear in the next few
days, look out for Braod-winged Hawks. The big numbers expected have yet
to materialize at any of the nearby sites.
Report submitted by Bob Hall-Brooks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory information may be found at:

Site Description:
Holiday Beach Conservation Area was formerly a Provincial Park, but is now
administered by the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA). It is
strategically located at the extreme southwestern tip of southern Ontario.
The park is on the eastern end of a large freshwater estuary known as Big
Creek. (Specifically the site is 1.1 miles south of the junction Highway
20 (old 18) and Essex Road 50, Town of Amherstburg).

The Holiday Beach Migration Observatory (HBMO) (founded in 1986) is a
non-profit, volunteer organization formed to promote the study and
protection of migrating birds. Activities focus primarily on fall
migration of raptors and other species. This site is in Essex County,
Ontario, on the north shore of Lake Erie near the Detroit River. In 1988,
HBMO persuaded Detroit Edison to donate a 40 foot Hawk Tower which is now
at the site. 

Southwestern Ontario has a funneling effect on migrating raptors due to
the geography of the nearby lakes and the reluctance of most raptors to
cross large bodies of water. Birds gain altitude over the flat farmland to
the north and east, rising easily with the thermals that such areas provide
in abundance. As the birds head south they meet Lake Erie and, reluctant to
cross it , turn west. With appropriate wind and weather conditions, birds
pile up along the lake shore and move west until they reach the narrow
crossing at the Detroit River (or island hop within the river mouth). 

Directions to site:
Entering Canada from Detroit at the Ambassador Bridge:
After Canadian Customs, stay left 50 yards, passing over the railroad
You are now on Huron Church Road leading to Highway 401 and Highway 3.
Continue east 3.8 miles to the intersection with Todd and Cabana roads. Go
through the intersection, staying to the right. In less than 100 yards the
main road splits; 401 and 3 continue to the left as the main road and
Huron Church narrows and angles to the right. Follow Huron Church right
for 0.5 miles to Disputed Road. After anglign a right turn onto Disputed
Road, travel south. At 4 miles Disputed Road intersects with Townline
Road, and the name changes to Concession 5. Continue south 5 miles and
Concession 5 "T"'s with South Townline Road. Turn left and travel east 0.2
miles, turning right (south) onto Concession 6. Continue south for 3.4
miles to the intersection with Highway 20 at Malden Centre in the town of
Amherstburg. There is a restaurant/convenience/gas store on the southeast
corner of the intersection. Go through the intersection south onto Route
50 for 1.3 miles. The entrance to the Holiday Beach Conservation Area is
on the right. Pay entry fee and continue to the Hawk Tower at the south
end of the park. Park vehicle and walk to the tower.

West bound on Routes 401 and 3

Howard Avenue, Route 9, intersects Routes 401 and 3 east of Windsor. Take
Howard Avenue south to Highway 20 ("T"'s) and turn left (west) traveling
to Malden Centre in the town of Amherstburg. A restaurant/convenience/gas
store is on the left. Turn left (south) on to Route 50 for 1.3 miles; the
entrance to HBCA is on the right. 

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