Three of us took a spin down to Oshawa this morning, to see what was happening at Second Marsh. Among the highlights of the morning were VIRGINIA RAIL, YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER, a single SANDHILL CRANE, COMMON LOON, T SPARROWS (SAVANNAH, SWAMP, SONG, CHIPPING, AND WHITE- THROATED), both KINGLETS, BROWN CREEPERS (several), WINTER WREN, YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER, HERMIT THRUSHES (several), AMERICAN COOT, PIED-BILL GREBE, RING-NECKED DUCK, BLACK TERNS, BONAPARTE'S GULLS, a pair of BLUE-WINGED TEAL, another of AMERICAN KESTREL, and a beautiful pair of RED-BREASTED MERGANSERS doing a courting dance in the lake offshore. I'm sure that just being out at any of the good birding sites in the area today was a glorious release from the chill of the past few weeks. Good birding to all.

Second Marsh is located at the end of Colonel Sam drive to the General Motors Office bldg off the BLoor St exit from the 401 in Oshawa.

Gene and Charlene Denzel
9 Idleswift Drive
Thornhill, ON L4J 1K8

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