A whip-poor-will was singing at 9:50 this evening near the hamlet of Victoria Road in Carden. It was heard just east of Talbot River Road marsh, between Kawartha Lakes 6 and 35, on the north side of the road. A Virginia Rail was kidicking in the marsh nearby. Directions: The Carden Important Bird Area is about 150 km. northeast of Toronto. At the junction of highway 48 and Kawartha Lakes 6 in Kirkfield, go north on 6, passing under the Kirkfield Lift Lock. Make a quick right on Talbot River Road. The marsh is a km. or so east of Shrike Road. Don't forget: The Carden Nature Festival runs June 15-17. There are still some spaces available in hikes including Sounds of the Night, Birding by Ear, and Grassland Birding tours. For info: www.cardenguide.com/Festival

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