After a quick early morning visit to Rock Point Provincial Park this morning I 
was rewarded with a good diversity of shorebirds.  After parking at the day use 
beach and walking east toawrds the rock point area I first greeted by numerous 
Ring-billed and some Herring Gulls.  Within minutes a juvenille Peregrine 
Falcon was observed flying west (towards me) bombimg gulls as it flew along the 
shoreline.  It paused for a couple of minutes in a snag and then proceeded 
west.  No shorebirds were seen before reaching the rock point.  The greatest 
numbers and diversity were seen directly below the observation tower including 
Ruddy Turnstone (1), Sanderlings (roughly 30), Short-billed Dowitcher (2), 
Lesser Yellowlegs (2), Spotted Sandpiper (3), Killdeer (3), Semi-palmated 
Plover (4), Least Sandpiper (roughly 25), and Semi-palmated Sandpiper (12).

Also seen were numerous Caspian Terns cruising the shoreline.


Many ways to Rock Point from Hwy. 3.  >From Hwy 3 east of Dunnville (heading
west) turn left on Bird Rd., turn right on Mumby Rd., turn left on Feeder
Ln. (Reg. Rd. 3) and turn left on Niece Rd (entrance on Niece Rd).

For Morgan's Point, from Hwy. 3 in Wainfleet, turn on Golf Course Rd towards
the lake (south).  Road curves west and becomes Lakeshore Rd.  Turn left on
Morgan's Point Rd.  Conservation area will be on the right hand side near
the end of the road.

Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles. Visit the 
Yahoo! Auto Green Center.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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