The 73rd annual Kitchener Christmas bird count was held Saturday, December
15.  The count finished with 60 species, about average for the last 20
years.  The total number of individuals of 23 290 was also almost right on
average for the past 20 years.  We added 1 new species to the count (Hoary
Redpoll) which everyone was equally amazed had never been recorded in the 73
year history.  Other unusual species seen included a Pied-billed Grebe (5th
record), Pine Grosbeak (72 total),  Evening Grosbeak (1), Lesser Scaup (1,
3rd record), Peregrine Falcon (1, second record after last year's first),
Red-headed Woodpecker (7th record), Bohemian Waxwing (20), Yellow-rumped
Warbler (count week), Red-winged Blackbird (1), and Rusty Blackbird (count
week).  A single Dark-eyed "Oregon" Junco was also observed (3rd record).
As for highs, the 1100 Common Redpolls smashed the old high of 350 set in
1981.  The only other new high counts set were for Red-bellied Woodpecker
(15, up from 10 in 2005) and Wild Turkey (147, up from 53 in 2004).  Both of
those species are expanding very rapidly in the region.  Pine Grosbeaks (72)
were close to the high of 88 set in 1985.  American Tree Sparrows (205) were
at a 10-year low and actually were beaten by Northern Cardinals for the
first time since 1969.  Golden-crowned Kinglets (15) and Black-capped
Chickadees (905) were also at a 10-year low.  Big misses this year included
Great Black-backed Gull (1st miss since 1981), Horned Lark (4th miss in 10
years), Northern Harrier (4th miss in 10 years), and Ruffed Grouse (5th miss
in last 10, but 6 miss ever- this bird is pretty well extirpated from the
I would like to thank all of the participants of the count!
Mike Burrell

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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