This morning I was joined by 18 birders for a pleasant morning of casual 
birding in the Ottawa area.  The weather was very pleasant with mostly clear 
skies, no wind and temperatures around -8 degrees Celsius
We began west of Ottawa, along Huntmar Rd. where, just north of Highway 417, we 
had a nice comparison of both light and dark morph ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS as well 
as a nearby RED-TAILED HAWK.  A NORTHERN SHRIKE was in the same area.  A little 
further north on Huntmar, between Richardson Sideroad and the Carp River 
Bridge, a flock of 200+ SNOW BUNTINGS in a field of corn stubble on the east 
side of the road also contained one LAPLAND LONGSPUR.
Despite a fairly intensive search, we were unable to turn up the overwintering 
Red-shouldered Hawk at Huntmar and Old Carp.  We headed back down March Valley 
Road, finding a couple more Red-tailed Hawks and a single Rough-legged.  In the 
fields east of Herzberg Rd. south of Carling Avenue we managed to find a couple 
of small groups of WILD TURKEYS and had a flyover of approximately 38 BOHEMIAN 
Moving on the feeders on Hilda Rd. near Shirley's Bay, we had several more 
groups of waxwings and the usual feeder birds, including a number of COMMON 
REDPOLLS.  An AMERICAN ROBIN hanging around the feeders was the first one I've 
seen in Ottawa this month.
After reprovisioning at Tim Hortons we headed to 7 Millbrook Crescent near 
Meadowlands and Merivale where we had the TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRE in its usual 
juniper tree on the left side of the house.  The bird was quite hunkered down 
close to the trunk eating berries and took a little bit of searching to find.
After wrapping up the trip, Maris Apse and I made a quick run along the Ottawa 
River and had the female HARLEQUIN DUCK off Bate Island at the Champlain Bridge.
Thanks to everyone who participated in a great morning of birding!
For specific directions to any of the aforementioned sites, contact me directly.
David Britton
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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