Don Perks and I birded the Niagara River from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm under
idea viewing conditions from the falls to the Adam Beck Generating Station.
We managed to find 9 species of Larids.
   The ice had completely jammed the Niagara River for at least two
kilometers below the falls and no gulls or ducks were present thus limiting
our search for Ross's Gull to areas above the falls.
   The Ross's Gull was located shortly after we arrived.  It was located on
the west side of a long 'ice island' about 1/3 the distance between the
Canadian side of river and Goat Island and about 200 meters north of falls.
It was seen briefly preening with group of Bonapart's Gulls and splashing in
the water nearby.  As of 3:00 pm, subsequent attempts to relocate it by us
and by most other birders who were there were unsuccessful.  However, two
other birders informed us that they had found it feeding near the top off
the falls on the Canadian side not far from where we saw it around 3:00 pm.
So it seems that the Ross's Gull may remain in the area for an extended
   In the area above the falls we also found one adult Thayer's Gull, one
adult Lesser Black-backed Gull and at least a dozen Greater Black-backed
Gulls among several hundred Bonaparte's Gulls and Herring Gulls and
thousands of Ring-billed Gulls.
   Along the river adjacent Adam Beck we found one Black-legged Kittiwake, 3
Iceland Gulls and 3+ Lesser Black-backed Gulls feeding among over 700
Bonaparte's Gulls and smaller numbers of Ring-billed and Herring Gulls.

Wayne Renaud (and Don Perks).

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