Winter Birders :

A rather unusual sight for our area---3 Trumpeter Swans showed
up in the Thames River in downtown Chatham---swimming in small 
puddles by the business section boardwalks.
I was unable to go to see them until today.  Unfortunately, I only
found one Swan---# 872---he was calling loudly and often, perhaps
trying to locate the other two---as I was.
While viewing this bird, he picked up and flew East under the bridge.

I would appreciate any background / history on this particular bird.
Please email me privately.

Directions to birds;
Go to the King St. business section of Chatham.
There are 2 bridges there--Third St. & Fifth St.
There is excellent viewing at the water's edge by taking
either of the  very short streets off King St that lead to the river.
Sorry, I don't know their names, but one is
immediately beside the town Cenotaph.
Lots of parking by this boardwalk.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
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