After work today I went to check out Thickson's Woods( after 5pm)
Warbler numbers were low in their 1"s and 2"s except for the Yellow
Warblers in the field(4+) and Yellow-rumped Warblers(4+), North.
Parula(1 male),Amer.Redstart(1 male),Common Yellowthroat(1 male),
Nashville Warbler(2 males), and Magnolia Warbler(1 male)
Still several Ruby-crowned Kinglets. Most White-throated Sparrows
were gone(10+), 3 White-crowned Sparrows. Observed no thrushes
in the woods at all- unusual. 2 Catbirds at the lake end of the cottage rd.
There was also a Black-throated Blue Warbler singing from one of the
large trees toward the Thickson's Rd. side. 2 Rose-breasted Grosbeaks
(1 male and 1 female) were near the bird feeder at the TW entrance.
At around 7:30pm I  and another birder took a walk down the Waterfront
Trail and the brushy fields leading to Thickson's Point where we found
3 Orchird Orioles( 2 breeding males chasing each other and a female). There
was also a pair of Balimore(Northern) Orioles there. 2 other pairs of Baltimore
Orioles were at the TW roadside and along Corbett Creek.
Also along the Corbett Creek trail  was 1 Lincoln's Sparrow and 1 Swamp
Sparrow among several WT Sparrows.

Good birding,
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