Friends of Point Pelee provide guided birding hikes throughout the Festival
of Birds at Point Pelee National Park of Canada. Proceeds from hikes support
the Friends of Point Pelee and Point Pelee National Park. This submitted
report is a service of the FoPP Hike Leaders.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Neither the Blue Grosbeak nor the reported Townsend’s Warbler was re-found

However, just in, a Bell’s Vireo was reported on the Post Woods Trail. Only
a few people saw it, but there are hordes of birders down there so we will
report again, if it is re-found.

We also heard that there was a California Gull (age?) flying by the Tip
yesterday, which may yet be in the area.

A great morning of birding, almost everywhere in the Park.

Those who took the early tram to the tip were rewarded with a singing Prairie
Warbler. Also there was a Peregrine Falcon cruising the beach. We noted a Marsh
Wren foraging in the rocks on the west side. Also seen flying north along
the east side, an immature Little Blue Heron. A scattering of other species
were located in the Tip Woods and the Tram Loop Woods.

A Kentucky Warbler was found at the north end of the old tram loop. Not far
away but on the west side seasonal trail, a Yellow-breasted Chat was

The Woodland Nature Trail was very active. A Yellow-billed Cuckoo was

Mourning, Canada, Blue-winged Warblers were all reported.

Tilden’s Woods was quite birdy. At least 20 species of warbler were found,
of note, Canada, Golden-winged, Blackpoll and Parula.

A Yellow-throated Vireo was found near the junction of Tilden and Shuster

An Olive-sided Flycatcher was found on the bike path towards the Group

Over at Hillman’s Conservation Area, early this morning, a White-rumped
Sandpiper and Little Gull.

Good Birding,

Hike Leaders Pete, Karl, Dave, Justin, Todd and Marianne


Janice Rogers, G.M.
Friends of Point Pelee
Our Point is Pelee

1118 Point Pelee Drive
Leamington, ON N8H 3V4
519-326-6173 P
519-326-7925 F
888-707-3533 Toll Free
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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