Hello Ontbirders,
   Our warbler tally for this morning so far is 28 species plus one hybrid.  
The highlight was a PRAIRIE on Harrison Trail north of the Visitor Centre.  
Other good birds included a BLUE-WINGED on the Maintenance Loop, ORANGE-CROWNED 
on Spicebush and Tulip Tree Trails, a HOODED on Harrison Trail north of the 
Visitor Centre and a MOURNING on the Maintenance Loop.  On South Point Trail, 
there was a BREWSTER'S hybrid on the trail just south of the site of the bench 
on the shoreline, and a YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT near the "Anne McArthur" bench - 
but moving about.  The PROTHONOTARY has been seen regularly at the nest boxes 
on Tulip Tree Trail.  A late PINE WARBLER was noted on Tulip Tree Trail.

   In the songbirds-other-than-warblers category, a GRASSHOPPER SPARROW was 
found on South Point Trail and a CLAY-COLOURED SPARROW was seen on Lakeshore 
Road just south of the Visitor Centre.

   At the Blenheim Sewage Lagoons, the EARED GREBE has been reported this 
morning.  When visiting the lagoons, birders are asked to park ONLY on the 
lagoon side (east side) of the road, and to be sure not to block the vehicle 
access gate.  When you enter the lagoon, please change the combination and 
close and lock the gate behind you.  If we birders want to enjoy continued 
access here, we need to follow the conditions set out for use of the lagoons, 
as well as respecting the property owner across the road.

   At Erieau, observers reported sightings yesterday from the main pier.  There 
were 26 RUDDY TERNSTONES and 14 DUNLIN on the pier across the harbour entrance. 
 Also seen on the south beach on the very southwest tip were 6 WHIMBREL and 8+ 
more in flight.   
   I would appreciate receiving messages concerning observations at the lagoons 
and other Rondeau area birding locations (e.g. Erieau) for posting on Ontbirds 
and to forward to the local Bird Records Committee.




I will lead a guided hike twice daily from Saturday May 2 to Monday May 18, 
inclusive (fee $5), as follows:

Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday at 7:30 am and 1:00 pm;

Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 am and 7:00 pm;

Friday at 7:30 pm.

   All of the 7:30 am and 1:00 pm hikes listed above will meet at the Visitor 
Centre.  The 7:00 pm hikes will meet at the entrance to the Marsh Trail.  The 
second hike on Friday at 1:00 pm will meet at the Blenheim Sewage Lagoons.

   The Friends of Rondeau will provide a Birders' Breakfast for a small 
donation (coffee, tea, bagels, soups and treats) daily from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm 
at the Visitor Centre.

   More information on the Park's nature programs and the Friends of Rondeau is 
available at the Friends' web site: www.rondeauprovincialpark.ca

   Birders and photographers are reminded not to play recordings of bird calls 
to attract birds in the Park, as this interferes with nesting activities and 
other vital behaviours.



Take Exit 101 from Highway 401 and drive south 16 km on Chatham Kent Road 

15.  Turn right and follow the signs to the Park.  The Bird Sightings Book, 
Bird Sightings Boards, and other relevant information are located at the 
Visitor Centre (open from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm from May 2 - 18), 6 km south of 
the Park Gate.


Steve LaForest

Friends of Rondeau Bird Guide

c/o Rondeau Vistor Centre (519) 674-1768 

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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