At Presqu'ile today, Sunday May 24, I found a breeding-plumaged Marbled
Godwit feeding at the grassy edge of the spring pond at the junction of
Beaches 3&4 at 4pm. Unfortunately it was spooked by passersby on the beach
and was not refound later, in spite of an intensive search by several
There were still thousands of Dunlin all along the beaches and hundreds of
Semipalmated Sandpipers, even though thousands of birds had been flying
north all day. There were smaller numbers of Sanderling, Semipalmated
Plovers and Black-bellied Plovers. Only 1 Whimbrel by this time, 1 griseus
Short-billed Dowitcher, a few Red Knot, White-rumped Sandpipers and Ruddy
Turnstones. The trilling of all the Dunlin was a spectacular sound!

Both Cobourg and Port Hope harbour breakwaters also had thousands of
shorebirds today, mostly Dunlin, but in Cobourg several hundred Semipalmated
Sandpipers formed small pods of 50-60 birds among the larger Dunlin.

Directions: To reach Presqu'ile Provincial Park, follow the signs from
Brighton, Exit 509 from Hwy.401.

Margaret Bain

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