
Ontario birders might want to know that a small breeding population of
Golden-winged Warblers in the Codrington area of Brighton Township is
currently under threat from a large gravel operation planned by St Marys
Cement (CBM). CBM has applied to strip and excavate 105 hectares of forest
and scrubland on the moraine north of the Old Wooler Road and east of
Highway 30. The environmental assessment commissioned by CBM concedes that
there are indeed Golden-winged Warblers at the site (a species of special
concern in the province, threatened nationally, and protected under the
federal *Migratory Birds Convention Act*), but suggests that there are
enough other GWWAs in the immediate neighbourhood to offset the losses from
the actual property. They imply as well that dislocated birds will simply
move over to suitable territory nearby. The collateral environmental
disruption of the neighbouring properties (noise, dust, light, 24-hour
crushing and trucking) will make nonsense of these specious suggestions.

In my years of visiting the property affected, it has hosted GWWA, BWWA, and
the common hybrid offspring BRWA (as well as very many other species,

Brighton Council will debate CBM’s rezoning application (from rural to
industrial) on August 10. Should that rezoning be defeated locally, CBM will
appeal to the OMB (with predictable results, I fear). Codrington/Brighton
residents are in the early stages of forming a number of bodies dedicated to
fighting this application. There is a fledgling(!) Facebook Group called
Stop the Codrington Gravel Pit, which Facebook users may visit. For those
who wish more information, including how to register an objection with CBM
and the MNR, I will provide other contact addresses by private email as they
become available to me.

In the words of the Co-ordinator of this list: “This species is truly
stressed. . . . This is a declining population throughout Ontario and can
ill afford additional habitat removal." Exactly.

Skip Shand
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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