ISRW Heberdown C.A.
North Whitby On. Canada
Sept. 6/2009
Today's totals

Osprey = 4
Bald Eagle = 2
N.Harrier = 2
Sharp-Shinned = 11
Broad-Winged = 14
A.Kestrel = 2
Total = 35
Hrs. 4
Observer Mike Williamson
Non Raptors
4 Sandhill Cranes came in from the NE & flight was SSW @ 10:55 EST
1 Common Raven mobbed by several Crows
Bald Eagles
1 very ragged 1st yr @ 10:40 EST
1 2nd yr @ 12:45 EST
Report submitted by Mike Williamson coordinator for ISRW
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birding organization.
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