Good evening Ontbirders,

Our final total of warblers at Rondeau for today was 22 species.  A welcome
late afternoon addition was the Yellow-breasted Chat on South Point Trail.
The Prothonotary seen on Tulip Tree Trail this afternoon turned out to be
colour-banded, which will help with the ongoing assessment of the status of
this species.

On my 1:00 pm bird hike, I found a nightjar perched on a branch on Harrison
Trail midway between Maintenance Loop and Pony Barn.  Opinions as to
identification varied (but no violence ensued!) and photos will tell the
tale soon enough concerning Common Nighthawk versus Whip-poor-will.  Other
noteworthy birds found later in the day included a late Hermit Thrush on
Harrison Trail and a Yellow-throated Vireo, both south of the Group

Outside the park, a flock of 200++ Black-bellied Plovers was seen in  a
flooded field about 5 km east of Port Alma.  The Eared Grebe was observed
again today at Blenheim Sewage Lagoons.  Note that birders can obtain
permits at the Rondeau Visitor Centre, as well as online.

Good birding!

Steve LaForest
Friends of Rondeau Bird Guide
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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