Hey Folks,

I was about to leave the station today when I got word that a TRCA field
crew spotted a Red-headed Woodpecker this morning along the dirt road which
leads to the banding station. Mark Field and I decided to drive slowly up
the road and keep an eye out for it, and BAM there it was! We watched it
slowly work its way along the road and got lots of photos (which I will post
on www.ttpbrs.ca). Thanks to Chris Dunn and the crew for letting us know! I
always appreciate being informed about bird sightings in the study area
(Peninsula D).

Tommy Thompson Park (Leslie Street Spit) is located at the foot of Leslie
Street where it meets Unwin Avenue, south of Lake Shore Boulevard East. The
Tommy Thompson Park Bird Research Station is located on Peninsula D, 3 km
from the base of the spit beside the Aquatic Park Sailing Club. For more
information visit www.ttpbrs.ca

The park is open to the public on weekends and holidays from 9am-6pm April
through October and 9am-4:30pm November through March.

Good Birding!


Brett Tryon
Coordinator, Tommy Thompson Park Bird Research Station
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
(416) 318-2107
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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