Hi all

For those of you who haven't caught up with a Yellow-throated Warbler this 
spring, there is a lovely male warbler currently being seen just along the 
main road of the park.  The bird was signing up a storm and found 
approximately 200m south of White Pine picnic area, in a large sycamore 

Good birding everyone!

Sarah Rupert
Intepretation Coordinator | Coordinatrice d'interprétation
Parks Canada Agency | Agence Parcs Canada
Point Pelee National Park | Parc national de la Pointe-Pelée
407 Monarch Lane, Leamington ON N8H 3V4 | 407 rue Monarch, Leamington ON 
N8H 3V4
Telephone | Téléphone 519.322.5700 ext | poste 223
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada

100 years, Come Celebrate! | 100 ans, Soyez de la fête!
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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