Hi all.

Spent most of the afternoon in Stratford where I saw a Caspian Tern fishing in 
the "lake" in the middle of town, behind the Festival Theatre.  This struck me 
as an odd place for a Caspian Tern this time of year.  Back home in Flamborough 
I have seen them fishing on larger ponds, 20 km plus northwest of the Hamilton 
Harbour colony.   Stratford is 90 km from the Hamilton colony, the closest 
according to the most recent breeding bird atlas.  Can anyone comment on how 
far they forage from their nesting colonies or the movement of failed nesters 
this time of year?



Paul D. Smith
West Flamborough (Hamilton), Ontario
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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