Hi Ontbirders:

Apparently I had just missed the white-faced ibis (first found by Ben DiLabio 
earlier in the week) by about 5 minutes.  As I was walking down to see it, so
Eons else was just leaving and mentioned it had taken off  around 5:35pm or 
thereabouts and was seen flying west... way west to quote.  

But I did see the American Bittern flying in again and landing at the back of 
the tall grass where the fallen tree is.  Three Wilsons Snipe seen on the 
island in front of the fallen tree along with the usual Kildeers and Lesser 

I had visited early this morning as well and the Ibis had 
flown in at about 5:50 to 5:54am.  The day before a birder had mentioned seeing 
the Ibis fly in around 6:05/6:10am.  Well, you get the idea.  There was one 
Wilsons Snipe this morning on that small island along with juvenile Spotted 
Sandpipers (it was bobbing like a Spotted but was much smaller and had no 
spots... another birder helped with the ID and also pointed out some Least 
Sandpipers...hadn't brought along my binoculars).

The strangest sighting was seeing a vole race across Carp Road yesterday and 
survive...missed by my car and a dump truck going the other way. 

W. Hum

Head west on 417 and get off at Carp exit.  Turn right on Carp and go 8  
kilometers crossing March Road continuing to Rivington.  Turn right onto 
Rivington and go to the end.  Rivington is the road just after the yellow train 
crossing sign.  

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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