Most of the recent reports are of the large concentrations of waterfowl in the 
city. The Greater Cataraqui River has its usual large number of puddle ducks, 
divers and coots but 4 Mute and 46 Tundra Swans was a bit unexpected at that 
location. In Elevator Bay both swans can be found but there were also a couple 
of Canvasbacks and a Red-throated Loon this week. Highlights from the 
Amherstview sewage lagoons were 120 Bufflehead and 70 Bonaparte's Gulls.
Winter birds noted were Northern Shrikes at Battersea, Camden East and Amherst 
Island; Pine Siskins, in very small numbers, at Bedford Mills, Chaffey's Lock 
and Elginburg; and a few Purple Finch moving through Prince Edward Point a week 
and a half ago. 
Raptors of note included an immature Golden Eagle near Gananoque and 2 Turkey 
Vultures at the Cataraqui Conservation Area on November 20th.
Owls put on a good showing this week; a pair of E. Screech Owls north of 
Millhaven, Great Horned at the same location as well as at Battersea and the 
Queen's Biological Station, a Barred at Gould Lake, 7 Short-eared on Amherst 
and the area's first Snowy on the Amherst KFN property on November 25th.
Other noteworthy sightings were a Red-winged Blackbird at Bedford Mills and 
Golden-crowned Kinglets at Dupont and Lemoine Point. The Yellow-bellied 
Sapsucker continues to linger at the Elginburg feeder and the Peregrine Falcon 
has returned to the windowsill on Botterell Hall on the Queen's campus. A flock 
of 120 House Finches near Dupont was nearly ten times the largest group seen 
all year.
Peter Good
Kingston Field Naturalists
613 378-6605                                      
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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