A golden eagle was soaring over Lindsay Lake (2 km north of Opinicon Road, 
accessible via the Lindsay Lake Trail) at 4 pm today. This may be the same bird 
that has been seen along Opinicon Road periodically since Feb 23. The eagle has 
been seen most frequently in the vicinity of the small cemetery on Opinicon 
Road. There are many bald eagles in the area too.

At Chaffey's Lock: One drake hooded merganser was among the 12 trumpeter swans 
and 50+ Canada geese at Chaffey's Lock this afternoon.


Directions to Opinicon Road from Kingston: North on Division Street/Perth 
Road/County Road 10 to just past Perth Road Village. Turn east (right) on 
Opinicon Road. Follow the road for about 11 km to the small cemetery on the 
north side of the road. Continue some 9 km along Opinicon Road to get to 
Chaffey's Lock.

Mark Andrew Conboy
Operations & Research Assistant and Outreach Coordinator
Queen’s University Biological Station
280 Queen's University Road
Elgin, Ontario, Canada K0G 1E0
phone: 613-359-5629
fax: 613-359-6558
email: mcon...@lakeheadu.ca
QUBS website: http://www.queensu.ca/qubs/index.html
QUBS blog: http://opinicon.wordpress.com/
QUBS flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/qubsoutreach/

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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