This is from last night; I used the old email address.


I observed a White-fronted Goose in an aggregates pond SW of Lucan this
evening around 6:00 pm. It was in the company of 750+ Canada Geese, 48
Tundra Swans, 125 Mallards, 7 Wood Ducks, 3 Ring-necked Ducks and 2 Hooded
Mergansers. Many groups of newly arrived Red-wings moving around, with
smaller numbers of Common Grackles and a Brown-headed Cowbird.


To reach the ponds travel north from London on Hwy. 4 (Richmond Street) to
15 Mile Road and turn right. Follow 15 Mile Road to the first intersection,
Adelaide Street. The ponds are in the NW quadrant of the intersection, best
viewed from Adelaide Street. 


Peter Burke

London, ON


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birding organization.
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