Hello Ontbirders.

Rondeau Migration Report - Sunday May 13

Our warbler count for this morning at Rondeau is 23 species.  The
highlight was a Cerulean on South Point Trail, north of the first
bench.  It was found at 3 pm yesterday, and was seen up to at least
9:44 am today.  Another good warbler was a Hooded seen on South Point
Trail north of the area with the benches.  It was found at about 8:00

Also of great interest was the Yellow-throated seen at a cottage on
lakeshore near the Visitor Centre.  Birders looking for the
Yellow-throated are asked NOT to visit the site before 8:00 am, are
reminded to show proper respect for property and privacy, and to park
at the Visitor Centre NOT along the road.  Groups visiting the site
should be of small size – NO large groups, please.  The
Yellow-throated has also visited the feeders at the Visitor Centre.

We have received a report of a possible Kirtland's Warbler on the
Maintenance Loop, along the fence beside the compound, at 10 am.  We
are hoping to receive more information about this individual.

Another great attraction at Rondeau this morning was a molting Summer
Tanager on South Point Trail.  It was seen from shortly before noon
yesterday up to at least 9:45 am today on South Point Trail, just past
the Anne McArthur bench.

Birders and photographers are reminded that they are NOT to use
electronic playback devices to attract birds in the park.  We
appeciate your cooperation.  If you encounter problems in this regard,
please contact park staff, and wardens will be notified.

As for non-passerines, 2 Little Gulls were seen amongst the flocks of
Bonaparte's Gulls off South Point Trail.

Thank you to everyone who has supplied Rondeau birding information for
this report.

Good birding


Our Bird Hikes and Birders' Breakfast start Friday May 4 and go
through to Victoria Day.  I will lead a guided hike twice daily from
May 4 to May 21, inclusive (fee $5), as follows:

Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Thursday at 7:30 am and 1:00 pm; Tuesday
and Friday at 7:30 am and 7:00 pm; as well as Wednesday at 7:30 am.

All of the 7:30 am and 1:00 pm hikes listed above will meet at the
Visitor Centre.  The 7:00 pm hikes will meet at the entrance to the
Marsh Trail.  A second hike on Wednesday at 1:00 pm will meet at the
Blenheim Sewage Lagoons.

Bird hikes for absolute beginners will be led by Ric McArthur on
Saturdays at 10:00 am, meeting at the Visitor Centre.

The Friends of Rondeau will provide a Birders' Breakfast/Lunch for a
small donation (coffee, tea, bagels, soups and treats) daily from 7:00
am to 2:00 pm at the Visitor Centre.  The Centre will be open daily up
to May 21, from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm.  All proceeds from the Festival of
Flight go to support nature programs in the park.

The Big Birding Day Competition is 24 consecutive hours during the
weekend of May 11th - 12th.  For details on this bird-a-thon, contact
the Visitor Centre.

I'm looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new birding
companions during my sixth spring season at Rondeau!

More information on the park's nature programs and the Friends of
Rondeau is available at the Friends' website:

Take exit 101 from Highway 401 and drive South 16 km on Chatham Kent
Road 15.  Turn right and follow the signs to the park.  The Bird
Sightings Book, Bird Sightings Board, Bird Checklists and other
relevant information are to be found at the Visitor Centre.  To reach
the Visitor Centre from the park Gate, travel 6 km South on Rondeau
Road to Gardiner Ave., then follow it around the bend to the parking

Steve LaForest
Friends of Rondeau Bird Guide
c/o Rondeau Visitor Centre (519) 674-1768

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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