Hi Ontbirders:
Late today, I ventured down to Andrew Haydon Park to see if I could relocate 
the Purple Sandpiper reported earlier in the day but did not see it.  But if 
like last Fall, we may see it yet again as one showed up at the same 
location...disappeared for a bit and then stayed for quite some time at Andrew 
Haydon Park.  We'll see if this will be a repeat.  
However, the small flock of Snow Buntings (up to 2 dozen only) were still at 
the same location at Shirley's Bay down Rifle Road close to 6pm.  
A rather tame adult redtail hawk is being seen more frequently now perched on 
the wires and elsewhere along Carling Avenue between Moodie Drive and Rifle 
Road.  It had been there all summer but wasn't seen too frequently.  Sometimes 
it flies onto the old Nortel property to hunt.  This is the same bird from last 
year (no red tail feathers then) at the exact same location and just as tame as 
On the weekend, I counted at least 20 Wood Ducks at Mud Lake right along 
Cassels Road.  I was told that there were more further back.  I think it was a 
good breeding season at the location for this species.  Someone else had seen a 
Fox Sparrow under one of the feeders along Cassels Road but I did not see it.  
He did show me a photo he had taken.  Thanks.  

W. Hum
Mud Lake is off Carling and down Britannia Road turninf right on Cassels Road.  
Andrew Haydon park is further west on Carling at Holly Acres Road.  Shirley's 
Bay area is even further west along Carling and right on Rifle Road and down to 
the river.                                          
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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