Yesterday, mid-afternoon, and again today in the early morning there were
several flocks of snow geese east of Ottawa in the Alexandria and Casselman


The flock at Alexandria this morning were very skittish and after several
small “blasts” off the water (and returning back) the entire flock (2-3,000
? birds) took off with the arrival of a car.


The Casselman flock yesterday were a fair way off the Sandringham Road on
the Casselman sod farms, this morning they were alongside the hwy in a corn
stubble field.


There were scattered flocks on the north side of #417 east of Casselman in
corn stubble fields. No easy access to these areas.




Alexandria:  Exit 35 (hwy 34) south off the #417, about an hour east of
Ottawa. Turn right on Darby Street in Alexandria to the Island Park. GPS
Co-ords: 45.3065° -74.6361°


Casselman: Highway #138 exit south off #417, Between #417 and the turnoff to
Moose Creek. GPS Co-ords: 45.3072° -74.985°


Jim Robertson

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