Greetings all,

It has just come to light that there is a Yellow-throated Warbler coming to a feeder in downtown Brighton that has apparently been around for a number of weeks! The bird appears to be a female based on a muted facial pattern, restricted area of yellow and a lack of black on the crown, but it is none-the-less quite lovely. The eyeline looks all white which makes it of the expected subspecies albilora, aka Sycamore Warbler. What makes this especially interesting is that there is a Sycamore tree in the yard!

The bird is coming to a feeder at a condo and it is not feasible to view from the yard, but happily the feeder can be easily seen from the sidewalk, and birders should view from this site only to ensure other residents don't become concerned.


The warbler is coming to a feeder just south of the Main intersection in "downtown" Brighton. At the corner of Prince Edward Street and Hwy 2 (aka Main Street) there is a traffic light with a Baker's Dozen coffee shop at the SE corner. Just south of that is the "Bargain Store" and just south of that (still on Prince Edward St) is the condo. The common back yard is is on the south side of the building and is surrounded by a white chain link fence. If you stand on the sidewalk and look into the back yard you will see a unit with feeders out back. The bird is most frequently feeding at a suet ball hanging from a tree, but also comes to the feeders hanging from back deck. The street is busy but parking is available across the street in a Municipal parking area marked with a green "P" symbol.


Doug McRae

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