Jon Ruddy and I toured five lakes in Renfrew county today. The centre piecewas 
Lac Dore which had 180 Brant, 22 Black Scoter, 40 Common Loon, 20Bonaparte's 
Gull, 10 Sandhill Crane, 11 Dunlin and 16 Pectoral Sandpiper,plus 1 Golden 
Eagle. Muskrat Lake and Mink lake had 64 and 16 Bonaparte'sGull respectively, 
and Golden Lake and Mink Lake had good numbers ofCommon Loon (80 plus) and 
Horned Grebe (100+). In addition, 4 Bald Eagle and4 Rough-legged Hawk were seen 
along the route. Of the lakes we visited onlyRound Lake was disappointing (only 
bird of note was a cracking maleWhite-winged Scoter), but all the others 
offered rich pickings.
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