Near the end of a rather rainy day at SCNWA and Mitchell Bay area, Penny, Emily 
and I decided to drive up the river to try for the King Eider but could not 
locate it.  As I was scanning the gulls, ducks etc flying upriver a juvenile 
Sabine's Gull flew into my scope view - the closest I've ever seen. I yelled it 
immediately and Lance A. and his companion jumped out of their car to join me. 
We enjoyed this bird for several minutes from ~ 4.20 pm.  A wonderful way to 
end a  rather dreary day.   Cheers!     Maris  
Directions - North of Hwy # 402 last  exit, turn left at Victoria(1 north of 
Michigan) and west to Fort St turning right to parking lot.

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Rd, Box 22 BOP, RR 2 Grand Bend  ON  N0M 1T0
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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