Yesterday, Sat. Nov. 16th Ian Cannell and I birded the subject areas and 
although the daylight hours are short now we did cover a lot of ground and we 
did find 58 species of birds but some waterfowl were too far out on the lake to 

Following are some of the birds and some of the totals (some totals 
guest-estimated of course with some like the R-B Mergansers and other waterfowl 
likely very under estimated).

Common Loons, Pied-billed and Horned Grebes, D-C Cormorants, 1000+ Tundra 
Swans, N. Pintail, 250 to 300 A. Wigeons, 350+ Canvasbacks, 1000+ Greater 
Scaup, Lesser Scaup, 50+ Bufflehead, 2500+ Red-breasted Mergansers (many flying 
past over the lake), Hooded and Common Mergansers, Northern Harriers, 
Rough-legged Hawks, 22 Red-tailed Hawks, 12 American Kestrels, 2 Merlins, 350 
to 400 American Coots, 175 to 200 Sandhill Cranes (one large flock in a field 
was too dense to count), 22 Dunlin, 5 Little Gulls, Bonaparte’s Gulls, 1 Lesser 
Black-backed Gull, N. Flicker, Carolina Wrens, 8 E. Bluebirds, N. Mockingbirds, 
50+ A. Pipits in one flock, 50+ A. Tree Sparrows, White-throated Sparrows, many 
Dark-eyed Juncos, 500 to 600 red-winged Blackbirds, Common Grackle and 
Brown-headed Cowbird.

Inner Bay off Port Rowan Harbour contained an estimated 10000 to 12000 
waterfowl but most too far out to ID even with a scope and there was a good 
number of Bonaparte’s Gulls on and over the bay.

During the week and on Saturday you will be birding in the Long Point area with 
a background of gun fire coming from duck shooters.



Hagersville is south of Hamilton on Hwy 6.

Exit from Hwy 403 at Hwy 6 in Ancaster and continue southeast then south to 

You just simple bird any road in the Hagersville / Jarvis / Fisherville / 
Nanticoke square ( a rough square ).


Port Rowan is southwest of Hamilton, to reach it you can drive south on Hwy 6 
from Hamilton, passing through Hagersville and turning right, west in Jarvis 
onto Hwy 3, drive to Simcoe and turn left, south on Hwy 24 and follow this to 
Hwy 59, ( it curves to the west south of Simcoe) and your in the Long Point 

Turn left (south) on Hwy 59 at Hwy 24 and Port Rowan is straight down Hwy 59 
(about 6 kms) on County Rd 42 (Lakeshore Rd), Big Creek Marsh, etc. are just a 
little further south of County Rd 42.

Or you can exit Hwy 403 just west of Brantford. Exit at Hwy 24 South at Exit 91 
and drive south through Simcoe and follow it to Hwy 59, ( it curves to the west 
south of Simcoe) and your in the Long Point Area. 

The wood lots, fields, marshes etc. are north, south, east and west of Port 

Norm Murr
Richmond Hill
Ontario, Canada
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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