Witnessed a "drift" of roughly 150 (the flock originally numbered near 300) 
Snow Buntings feeding and flitting about a farm field near the intersection of 
Singer Road and Concession 2 Road in York (Haldimand County) this afternoon. 
The flock didn't seem too concerned about visitors and myself and a friend were 
able to get as close as 40m for viewing. 

While we were watching the show, a Peregrine Falcon (at least that's what we 
narrowed it down to, neither of us are raptor experts) swooped in on the flock 
and singled out an individual for capture but was unsuccessful in his pursuit. 
Of course I wasn't able to get pictures for identification, but the ?Falcon was 
definitely larger than a Kestral or Merlin and also seemed bulkier than a 
Merlin but with a long-ish tail. I believe I saw a lighter coloured chest and 
underwing with some barring on the flanks and underwing as well. There was a 
definite "mustache" and the back and wings were dark grayish-brown with a 
scalloped pattern. If you have any other ideas on what the bird in question 
might be, please let me know what you think!

- Judy

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