
I have just gotten off the phone with David Pryor who is unable to make a
post at this time. He has asked me to post on his behalf.

David has discovered a very interesting gull that has yellow legs, loafing
on the ice with other gulls at the Mimico Waterfront Park in Etobicoke.

Field marks:

The gull is bulky, Herring Gull sized(seen with Herring Gulls) and has a
similar mantle shade. It clearly has all yellow legs, red gonys, a bit of
smudging around the eye.

David has ruled any of the expected gulls and wanted to get word out to
other birders, as he is unable to stay on the scene. The bird was last seen
flying south and also east towards Humber Bay West, but gulls returned to
loaf on the ice and it did not appear to go far.

Some less than stellar I-phone scoped photos are available from myself or

Take the QEW (Gardiner) Toronto and get off at Islington. Travel south to
the lake on Islington and you will eventually see Lakeshore Blvd. Travel
east/northeast on Lakeshore and on the lake side turn right on Norris
Crescent, which will lead you to the park on the lake.

Good birding!
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