-------- Original message -------- Subject: Ameeican Robin - Terrace Bay From: wmoun...@hotmail.com To: birdal...@ontbird.ca CC:

Good evening,

 I am resending this email as I forgot a couple of key details when I originally sent it Saturday (i.e. location where I saw it as well as my own name :(


Bill Mountan

-------- Original message -------- Subject: Ameeican Robin From: wmoun...@hotmail.com To: birdalert@ontbirds.ca CC:

Drving from TBay to Sault Ste Marie, I stopped at the Subway in Terrace Bay for lunch. On my way back to the car I noted red in a tree and went over to investigate, and, low and behold, there was an American Robin sharing a tree with a female White-wingred Crossbill.

Also, not bird related, i had an adult lynx liesurely cross the road in front o me - f to the point where I had to stop my car. This was to the East of the Agawa Bay campground.


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