As of 8:30 this morning the Franklin’s Gull had just flown off Bronte Beach to 
the west. Early in the morning the bird was on the west Bronte pier where I 
found it yesterday. The arrival of fishermen displaced all the birds. The gull 
was found again on Bronte Beach just west the mouth of Bronte Creek. The light 
was much better early this morning than yesterday...that`s my excuse and I am 
sticking to it.

The entire family of Red-necked Grebes (four young & two adults) were present 
at their nest site. Yesterday when I checked there was only a lone youngster.

Directions to Bronte Beach: Exit QEW at Bronte Road (Oakville), go south to 
Lakeshore Road and turn right. Immediately after crossing Bronte Creek turn 
left on West River then turn left toward the boat launch. The beach is nearby.

Directions to the Red-necked Grebe site: Take Bronte Road to its end then turn 
left on Ontario Street. It is just east of the restaurant.

Gavin Edmondstone
I will add some new gull photo later today.
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