Today was the last day of the Raptorwatch for 2014 and not a bad one as you 
shall see. If you 're wondering where we go next, its gulls. Funny how you 
deride gulls at a hawkwatch. In fact we had a rule that if you saw a gull and 
called it as a real bird you had to buy coffee for everyone on the hill. Sort 
of a rite of passage for novice hawkers plus we old guys need the coffee. 
Ahh, but come tomorrow! We'll be standing with our telescopes 2 rows deep 
leaning over the roiling waters of Adam Beck gawking at those very same gulls. 
"Oh look" I'll cry cheerfully,"There's a phase 2 or is it 3 Iceland down there 
next to the nonbreeding Bonaparte's!" Good thing there's no place to buy coffee.
We'll be coming out with totals (hawks, that is)and a wrap-up as soon as we  
get back from Niagara. Meanwhile, back at the Hill:
Sharpshin      2
Coopers          1
N.Goshawk     1
Red Shoulder  2
Red Tail            17
Rough leg        1
Peregrine          1
Unid. Eagle         1
Total                 26
Get in touch with the TOC Bird 
Count and sign up for a route. Its a blast and we'll see you there!
Good Birding
Tim Mccarthy
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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