Hello Everyone,
At 9:38 this morning, I saw a plegadis ibis soaring and flying at the St.
Clair National Wildlife Area in Chatham-Kent.  The ibis was about 300
metres away at all times, 20 to 30 metres high and I watched it for about
40 seconds.  I was standing near the small bridge at the north end of the
trail.  It finally headed west along the dike between SCNWA and St. Luke's
Marsh and I didn't see it again.  I took a few pictures with my camera
(just a 55-250 lens) but was unable to determine the exact species when I
got home and enlarged them on the computer.  The sun was out and behind me
but it was a bit hazy this morning.
Anyone birding in the area of the Dover marshes might want to keep your
head up.
St. Clair National Wildlife is on Town Line Rd about 10 km west of the town
of Paincourt in Chatham-Kent.  It's also about 10 km south of Mitchell's
Bay, which may be more well-known.

*Steve CharbonneauErie Beach in Chatham-Kent*
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